Friday, March 4, 2011

Detroit, MI: Detroit woman gets 14-30 years for killing boyfriend with truck

Steve Pardo / The Detroit News
Detroit — A 46-year-old Detroit woman who killed her boyfriend by hitting him with a U-Haul truck after an argument apologized to the victim's family today before she was sentenced to 14-30 years in prison. Kimberly Marie Rice, 46, hit Bryan Baker, 45, with the truck in November at Seven Mile and Greenview. She had faced up to life in prison on a charge of premeditated murder but agreed to plead guilty to second-degree murder in exchange for the lesser sentence.
"Nov. 7, 2010, was a terrible day that changed the lives of many people because of my stupidity," she read from a slip of paper inside the courtroom of Judge Cynthia Hathaway of Wayne County Circuit Court. "Everyone who knew Bryan and myself knew I never meant for this to happen. I hope that one day Bryan's family can forgive me, and I pray that one day I will be able to forgive myself."

Some family members of Baker's were at today's sentencing. They declined to comment and remained stoic after the sentencing when Rice turned to them and said, "I am so, so sorry. Please forgive me."
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