Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Article: Domestic violence deaths raise concerns

Domestic violence
deaths raise

Written by

Loresha Wilson

12:18 AM, Oct. 21, 2010|

Louise Gober heard the threats on the
phone. She saw the aftermath of the
beatings. And she witnessed the fear in her
stepdaughter's heart.

"At least twice a week, Sherika would sit at
the kitchen table and cry and talk, and cry
and talk," Gober said. "She just wanted

Sherika Pratt, 23, tried, but her boyfriend
of about two years wouldn't let go. He
stalked her; he followed her; he broke into
her home. Then April 22, in the early
morning hours, Rodney Terrell fatally shot
the mother of two inside her north
Shreveport apartment.

"I was hurt, but not surprised," Gober said
as tears rolled down her face. "He had
done so much to her, so much. I just
couldn't even cry."

Later that day, Terrell committed suicide.

The incident is among an unprecedented
series of domestic-violence slayings this
year that has set off alarms across
Shreveport and left authorities scrambling
to gauge the problem's extent and causes.
This year, eight people — including four
males — have been killed, and another
death is being investigated as a possible
domestic-violence slaying.

Shreveport police are seeing an overall
increase in the number of such assaults per
capita reported to them. There also is an
increase in the severity of the crimes.

"We are seeing more calls now," said Bill
Goodin, spokesman for Shreveport police.
"That's what the initial calls are, but officers
may get on the scene and determine it's
something other than domestic violence.
But in terms of domestic-related
homicides, the number is high. When we
look beyond the physical injuries that occur
in domestic violence, we see that the
emotional wounds are just as severe and
often cause more pain and anguish."

Authorities are more concerned about the
severity of it and preventing the collapse of
the system.

The problem

Domestic violence, a silent epidemic,
normally starts with name calling and
belittling, then escalates. Study after study
shows that abuse will worsen each time.
Abusers use manipulative methods to
control the victims.

"Many times domestic violence is
associated with some type of substance
abuse on the part of one or more persons
in the affected home," Goodin said.
"Domestic violence is about control as well,
with the suspect attempting to exert that
control over his or her partner in an
inappropriate and illegal fashion."

Statistically gauging domestic violence,
which is underreported, is difficult.
Reporting domestic violence to police or
seeking a protection order through the
court system are often the last resorts for
someone in an abusive relationship, said
Shirley Stewart, domestic violence manager
for the Providence House. Gauging an
increase in the severity of such crimes is
more difficult.

The Caddo Parish district attorney's office
didn't have numbers available for how
many domestic violence assaults were
charged as felonies or misdemeanors in

"Domestic violence has always been a
problem," Stewart said. "Louisiana has
always ranked in the top five states when it
comes domestic abuse."

On average, the victim leaves and returns
to the aggressor about seven times before
leaving for good. Some tend to think it's
going to get better.

"I believe now people are feeling a lot more
confident about reporting it and realizing
there is help."

Stewart points out that abusers are wise.
They're using methods such as soap in
towels to abuse, she said.

"They are becoming a lot smarter and are
finding different methods of doing abuse."

Shreveport police keep the total number of
reported domestic violence assaults but
don't break them down by severity. So far
this year, the Shreveport and Bossier police
departments and Caddo and Bossier
sheriff's offices have received more than
5,300 domestic violence-related calls and
have made more than 1,700 arrests.

In 2009, Shreveport police responded to
3,483 calls for domestic trouble, nearly
double the 1,800 reported the year

before, according to reports. The numbers
were lower in 2007. With each domestic-
related incident, officers offer advice to the
victim and detectives investigate the case.

Tackling the problem

Statistics show that it takes a woman
leaving seven to 10 times before she
leaves for good, according to the U.S.
Department of Justice. And statistics v
alidate that: 75 percent of women who
leave their abusers are at a greater risk of
being killed than if they stay.

Tensions build when the abuser begins to
feel his life or the relationship getting out of

Stewart says one good approach to ending
the cycle is getting help for victims before
an abusive relationship escalates to
physical violence. That's why her agency
makes efforts to connect with women who
call its help line or 911. Police officers
responding to domestic violence incidents
will call the help line and put the victim on
the phone.

A bigger assist in ending domestic violence
may come from friends or family members
recognizing the indicators of an abusive
relationship and encouraging the person to
get help.

Brandy Smith took her mother's advice and
left her boyfriend after months of abuse.
But it was only after the violence resulted in
a fractured facial bone. The woman utilizes
the Providence House's Safe House
"I'd leave, then come back after things
calmed down because I loved him," Smith
said. "But that's not love. Love is not hitting;
love is not harming. Love is not suppose to
hurt, and it could have cost me my life."

Safe House provides emergency shelter
and resources for victims trying to leave
abusive relationships. The 115-bed facility
opened in 2009 and has served more than
600 victims of domestic abuse.

"I advise anyone who is going through it to
please leave," Smith said. "It could kill you."

Editor's note: Brandy Smith is an
anonymous name used to protect the
victim's identity.

Getting help

If you or someone you know is in an abusive
relationship and wants help, call the Louisiana
Domestic Violence hotline at (888) 411-1333 or the
Providence House 24/7 crisis hotline at (318) 698-

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