Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lexington, KY: Murder suspect takes stand, admits shooting victim

More testimony Tuesday as the trial of a man accused of killing his former boyfriend entered a third day.

Police say Toby Lasure shot Christopher Tolliver to death in the parking lot of Lexington Green in March 2009.

Lasure took the stand Tuesday. Lasure told the jury he felt used by Tolliver for his money. Lasure also says Tolliver is the one who told him to bring the gun to the meeting at Lexington Green. Lasure also said he shot Tolliver to protect his current boyfriend at that time.

"He asked me why I would go back to Tony after all he's done to me and I told him I loved Tony though he may be mean. It's more than what I got with other people. I didn't know what he was going to do. I had to protect Tony. He was getting out of the car so I shot him," Lasure testified.
Police say when they arrested Lasure, he had a bottle of medicine and a gun in his SUV.
On Tuesday, the jury heard testimony about what that medication was, and what it was intended to do.

On March 2, 2009, three days before Tolliver was killed, Lasure went to the doctor, complaining of anxiety.

The doctor prescribed him Clonazepam, a drug similar to Valium.

A doctor took the stand Tuesday morning, testifying Clonazepam is intended to calm someone's nerves.

Jurors also heard testimony that on the day of the shooting, Lasure sought help for depression and self esteem issues.

He met with UK psychology student Mary Ann Edmondson.

She testified that Lasure's family was not accepting of him being gay, and they kicked him out when he was 16.

Edmondson testified that Lasure told her he had no memories prior to when he was 10 years old, and he could not remember if he was abused or not.

Edmondson said that might have to do with some past trauma.

"No, he didn't remember having any traumatic events," Edmondson testified. "But his grandmother had told him that his father used to beat his mother, and that his father may have held him at gunpoint, but that he doesn't remember any of this."

Edmondson said during her meeting with Lasure, he said he had no thoughts of suicide, or of harming others.

However, shortly after that meeting, Tolliver was shot to death.

The jury was also told Lasure heard voices before the shooting, but Lasure told a doctor he didn't hear any voices.

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