Saturday, February 26, 2011

Kansas City, MO: Domestic violence well known at apartment where police killed man

The Kansas City Star
Neighbors told police that loud fights were not uncommon in the Kansas City apartment that Rodney A. Russell Jr., shared with his girlfriend.

In fact, when officers arrived at the apartment in the 8600 block of Newton Avenue a week ago on a disturbance call, they heard yelling and screaming, police said.

The incident ended with Russell, 29, allegedly pulling a knife on two officers. One officer fired four times and killed Russell, police said Friday in their first detailed account of the shooting.
The girlfriend had called her mother after a disturbance erupted Feb. 19. The mother then called police. Officers went upstairs to the apartment about 10 a.m., saw the front door open and found the girlfriend inside. They asked her whether she was having a problem and she invited them in.
About this time, police said, Russell emerged from another room “acting belligerent.” He wanted the officers to leave and tried to shut the door on them.

One officer extended his foot and blocked the door from closing. As the officers tried to ask more questions, Russell allegedly pulled the knife from his clothing and threatened the officers.
According to police, the officers repeatedly told Russell to drop the knife, but he ignored their commands. When Russell “came at the officers,” one officer fired.

Police said the officer feared for his own safety and that of the woman, who was nearby.
Russell moved to Kansas City from Arizona to live with his girlfriend, police said. His relatives live out of state and could not be reached. His body was shipped to Tennessee for his funeral, which is scheduled for today.

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