Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Shreveport, LA: Murder Victim Had Stormy Domestic Life

In seeking a protective order against her boyfriend, Rashonda Taylor said she had been subjected to physical and emotional abuse and had been told her life "was fixing to become a living hell."

Eighteen months later, Taylor is dead -- killed along with her mother after someone forced their way into the women's west Shreveport home and shot both of them.
Her boyfriend, Keith Martin Sr. -- the man named in the protective order -- was questioned by police over the weekend and released with no charges filed. Police are continuing to investigate but will not identify Martin as a suspect in the slayings.

In her August 2009 petition for a protective order, Taylor wrote that Martin, with whom she was living, was extremely jealous and controlling, restricting where she could go. She also alleged she was slapped, choked and pushed down. Without elaborating on what prompted it, Taylor said she had been told that her life "was fixing to become a living hell."
Martin challenged the allegations.

Caddo District Court records show Taylor got a temporary restraining order against Martin right after she filed the complaint. A month later, the matter was dismissed when Taylor didn't come to court to pursue the protective order. Martin had obtained a lawyer to contest the allegations, court records show.

His attorney, Erica Hyde, could not be reached for comment on Tuesday.

Rashonda Taylor, 33, and her mother, Linda, 58, were found shot to death Saturday afternoon at their home in the 4100 block of Baxter Street.

The 10- and 12-year-old children Taylor and Martin had together were missing from the home when police arrived. Police said they found the children with Martin.

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