Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mariemont, OH: Cincinnati police take over investigation after standoff, rare shooting death in nearby suburb

8:49 AM EST, January 18, 2011

MARIEMONT, Ohio (AP) — Cincinnati police homicide investigators are taking over investigation of a rare fatal shooting in the suburban village of Mariemont (MEHR'-ee-mahnt).

Mariemont police Capt. Tim Messer says it has been many years since the village just east of Cincinnati had a homicide.

Fifty-six-year-old Dennis Reynolds was in jail Tuesday pending a court appearance to face a murder charge. No attorney was listed for him.

He's charged with killing 50-year-old Camille Reynolds in their home. The Cincinnati Enquirer reports the couple had separated last year.

Police say Reynolds barricaded himself in the home with a gun Sunday for more than four hours. Tear gas was used, and police say he gave up after shooting himself in the face. He was hospitalized and then jailed Monday.

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