Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Corbett, OR: Corbett Woman Sentenced In Husband's Killing

POSTED: 10:05 am PST January 25, 2011
UPDATED: 11:27 pm PST January 25, 2011
CORBETT, Ore. -- A Corbett woman convicted of killing her husband and burning his body learned her sentence today.
Hazelynn Stomps was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 25 years.
Multnomah County authorities say Stomps initially told an elaborate story about how her husband disappeared back in 2009. But authorities later found Jerry Stomps' blood on his own gun at the couple's Corbett home. They also say Jerry Stomps' bone fragments were found inside an incinerator.
The Stomps family spoke directly to the convicted killer in a Portland courtroom today.
"I am humiliated to be a Stomps and I shouldn't be," said Amy Stomps, Jerry's niece. "I shouldn't be embarrassed to be a part of the Stomps family but I am because of you."
"You took my dad from me. Someone I loved very much. Someone that meant a lot to me. And you stole him away," said Adam Stomps, Hazelynn Stomps' son. "For two years, you stayed with this story no matter how much we begged and pleaded with you to just tell us. And you have not once shown a shred of remorse. You are a monster."
Hazelynn Stomps arrived in the courtroom in a wheelchair. Deputies say she fell and hit her head in the jail holding tank.

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