Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wooster, OH: Final ruling is murder-suicide in Baker case



Staff Writer

WOOSTER -- The final autopsy reports confirm a former Bever Street, Wooster, man killed his wife by smothering her, then stabbed himself in a murder-suicide.

Wooster Police Sgt. Robert Merillat, with the Detective Bureau, said he received the final autopsy reports on Robert and Polly Baker. The autopsy was performed by the Summit County Medical Examiner's Office.

The report confirmed Polly Baker's primary cause of death was asphyxiation due to smothering. Her manner of death, Merillat said, was determined to be homicide.

In regard to Robert Baker, the report confirmed his primary cause of death was a stab wound to his chest and was determined to be a suicide. Robert Baker was found alive in the bathtub of their home, but died from his wound at Wooster Community Hospital.

The report upholds that Polly Baker was smothered with a pillow by Robert Baker on their bed before he stabbed himself while in their adjoining bathroom. Polly Baker was found dead in the bedroom.

"Based on the facts and circumstances, the finding was this is a murder-suicide," Merillat said.

The detective said based on bruises on Robert Baker's right hand and contusions around Polly Baker's eye, suicide can be discounted for Polly Baker and rumors of a double-homicide can be ruled out.

"I reviewed over 6,000 text messages from (Polly's) phone ... and what I gather from that is she was not suicidal," Merillat said.

The Bakers' six children were home when police arrived. Robert Baker sent an e-mail to a co-worker sometime before 8:30 a.m. on July 30 when the incident took place. The e-mail stated police needed to come to the home, he was sorry and he hoped someone would look after the children. A note taped to the door of the bathroom had "similar content to the" e-mail, Merillat said.

Randy Muth, executive director of Wayne County Children Services, said all six Baker children are with foster parents.

Muth said the goal is to find a permanent home for the children as soon as possible. A number of relatives and close family friends from Kansas, Ohio and Indiana are being investigated to see which environment will be most suitable for the children. He said it takes anywhere from 30 to 90 days for Children Services from each state to perform home studies on each family and home.

After all information is collected, a group of family members, foster parents and Wayne County Children Services will make a final recommendation to Probate Judge Raymond E. Leisy if everyone agrees on the decision. If Leisy has no objection, the decision will be made final. If an agreement cannot be made, it will be up to Leisy to resolve the issue.

Muth said the children are doing extremely well considering the circumstances. Their basic needs have all been provided for them and they are receiving the counseling support they need. The children have been in contact with local relatives, video chatting with out-of-state relatives and visiting their grandparents in the Wooster area, he added.

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