Friday, December 17, 2010

Roy, UT: Roy police call death act of self-defense

Reported by: Marcos Ortiz Print Story Published: 12/17 5:46 pm ShareThis Updated: 12/17 5:50 pm
ROY Utah (ABC4 News) – Police said it was an act of self defense that claimed the life of 37-year old John F. Sharp.

Sharp was shot twice after he allegedly forced his way into the home of his ex-girlfriend and began choking her.

Police said Mellony Pursel attempted to fight him off and that’s when her 17-year old niece intervened.

"She gets a gun, fires two shots at the individual (Sharp) who is attacking Mellony and both shots hit him in the chest,” said Roy police Chief Greg Whinham. “Both shots exit through him and strike Mellony.”

According to court documents, Pursel’s life was threatened for 36-hours prior to the shooting.

Pursel told police the harassment started Wednesday.

She filed a complaint Thursday and got a protective order.

In the complaint Pursel wrote about the threats allegedly made by Sharp.

It began Wednesday at 3 a.m. when she claimed Sharp forced his way into the home. She wrote: “(He said) I was a (expletive) and how he will cut my throat. I hope you die.”

He left the home and returned once more at 5 a.m. on Thursday.

She wrote: (He said) I am going to (expletive) kill you. I want you dead.”When she threatened to call police he left. But once more he returned at 9 a.m. Thursday. This time Pursell said he was furious as he broke into the home. She wrote: (He’s) throwing tv’s, bedroom items in the room and kitchen. (He said) You are going to pay for this. I will (expletive) kill you.”

She called police and this time they arrive in time to arrest him following a brief foot chase.

His step-brother was with Sharp Wednesday and noticed he was not himself.

“I tried to calm him down,” said Adams. “He was so pissed off at the world and didn't care about anyone or what he did or who he hurt and he told me I'm going to end up in prison."

Sharp got out of jail late Thursday. He was released to the custody of his parents. But he wouldn’t stay and got into a fight.

"He had gotten into an altercation here at my parents house with a knife,” said his step-brother Danny Adams. (They were) trying to stop him from leaving because he wanted to go up to Mellany's house and I guess kill her.”

Danny Adams immediately called police when he learned he was enroute to Pursel’s home.

When police arrived to the Pursel home, Sharp was already dead.

"Anyway you look at it it's a tragedy," said Chief Whinham.

Pursel's 17 year old niece who is accused of killing Sharp was not arrested. Police said she was acting in self-defense.

As for Sharp’s family they’re blaming themselves.

“I feel bad that I got him out,” said his step-father Lonnie Adams. “I kind of blame myself.”

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