Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Rhode Island: Shooting sets record for domestic-violence deaths

A killing in Providence on Sunday set a dubious record in Rhode Island. It was the 13th death in Rhode Island related to domestic violence in 2010.

State advocates call 2010 the deadliest year for domestic violence since they started keeping records in 1980.

Police said 30-year-old Pedro DeJesus was gunned down Sunday by his girlfriend's nephew, 19-year-old Dujuan Powell, after Powell tried breaking up a fight between the couple in their Academy Avenue apartment.

"It's absolutely alarming to see this many homicides related to domestic violence in such a short period of time," said Deborah DeBare of the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

Three of this year's 13 domestic-violence deaths came in the past three weeks.

On Christmas Day, Staria Silva was found dead in her East Providence apartment. Her 9-month-old twin daughters were just feet from their mother's body. Police later arrested the twins' father -- 35-year-old Raymond Grundy of Warwick -- for violating a no-contact order. Police said the couple had a long documented history of domestic violence.

On Dec. 20, Tracey Pytka's body was found by her 14-year-old son. She had been stabbed to death in her Cumberland bedroom. Police said Pytka threw her husband, Peter Pytka, out of the house three weeks before the killing. He now faces charges.

Friends and family say the relationship was toxic and full of abuse.

"We clearly have a long way to go to try to prevent domestic violence tragedies like this but also how important it is the entire community can understand the warning signs, that there's help available and how to reach out to friends or family members who may be in an abusive relationship," DeBare said.

There are six domestic violence agencies statewide ready to spring into action. Call the state helpline at 800-494-8100.

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