Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Rapid City, SD: Airman killed in shooting, police arrest wife

Authorities arrested the wife of an Ellsworth Air Force Base airman Wednesday, charging her with the alleged murder of her husband.
Amanda Kaur, 27, originally from North Dakota, is charged with shooting and killing her husband, Staff Sgt. Ira Kaur, 26, on Sunday at their off-base home on the 100 block of East Oak Street in New Underwood.
Pennington County Sheriff's deputies responded Sunday to a subject not breathing call at the Kaur home. Authorities said the circumstances surrounding the death were suspicious and investigators from the Sheriff's Office, Rapid City Police Department and United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations were called to the scene.
After an autopsy and further investigation, Lt. Marty Graves of the Sheriff's Office said there was enough evidence for the probable-cause arrest Wednesday.
"It wasn't until late Tuesday night that we were able to know what exactly we were dealing with," Graves said. "We don't have any other suspects."
Sheriff's deputies arrested Amanda Kaur Wednesday at around 12:30 p.m. without incident on County Highway 1416, which runs parallel to Interstate 90 east of Box Elder.
Ira Kaur, originally from Arizona, had been stationed at Ellsworth since 2007. Base officials said Wednesday that he was a military pay technician.
"We consider every airman a valued national resource, and Sgt. Kaur will be deeply missed," Col. Jeffrey Taliaferro, base commander, said in a release Wednesday. "Our focus now is on helping his family and friends during this difficult time and assisting with the investigation into his death."
Amanda Kaur has been charged with first degree murder. She is being held in the Pennington County Jail without bond. The charge carries a maximum penalty of death or life in prison in addition to a possible $50,000 fine.
Police said the investigation is continuing.
Contact Nick Penzenstadler at 394-8415 or


  1. I worked with Amanda. My heart goes out to Ira and all his family, especially Amanda's children he was adopting. I can honestly say what happened that night had been built up over the last year. Poor Ira took all the wrath. I just can't believe someone I got close too and called a friend at one time could and would do this. May God have mercy on her soul.

  2. Don't assume her guilt until you know all the facts.

  3. She took away such a great man. She deserves to suffer on earth and in hell!

    How dare she be so selfish and leave her children orphans and Ira's family and friends with this loss...

  4. Hello

    I appreciate your article and the subject matter of your entire blog. How unfortunate how individuals go so far to inflict grave harm to their spouses. I had been shocked as others of these domestic crimes.
    I had included the unfortunate case of Mrs. Kaur in a recent blog post (December 05, 2010) of Curtis On The News.
    I welcome your insight and knowlege, if you may consider commenting on the article, 'Lacking Quality In A Urgent World'. I also like to hear from the people of Pennington County, South Dakota. If anyone else may wish to share their thoughts.
    This is important. I did make some kind of conclusion of what contributes toward serious, domestic incidents including murder. We do keep hearing these accounts making to front page news. Your viewpoints on such aspects may be significant, thank you for your time.
