Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Laguna Woods, CA: Elderly Laguna Woods couple died in murder-suicide, authorities say

December 7, 2010 | 11:06 am
An elderly couple found dead in their Laguna Woods retirement community were killed in a murder-suicide when the husband shot his wife of nearly 50 years before turning the gun on himself, authorities said Tuesday.

The Orange County Sheriff’s Department identified the man as Arthur Baar, 77, and the woman as Caryl Baar, 72.

“The motive is still under investigation and unknown at this point,” said OCSD spokesman Jim Amormino. “There were some rumors spread by a neighbor that it was a mercy killing, but we have no evidence of that.”

Amormino called previous reports that deputies found Arthur Baar in the front of the house and his wife in the back “misinformation.” Both were found in the bathroom of the house, he said.

Deputies responded to a call at 1:05 p.m. Monday from the couple’s caretaker, who dialed 911 shortly after she heard gunshots in the home.
The caretaker, who authorities said was one of several the couple had had in recent years, heard the pair in a “heated argument” and ran out of the home after she heard gunshots. She ran back inside after another round of gunshots.

The sheriff's SWAT team was initially called to the scene because neighbors said a man was wandering around with a gun, which turned out to be false, Amormino said.

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