Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Springfield, OR: Murder victim’s sister thanks Good Samaritan

Springfield (KMTR) - Murder charges have been filed against a man who police say killed his ex-girlfriend. Family members say the couple had recently broken up, but remained friends.

Robert Boyd appeared in court Monday to hear the formal charges. Lane County prosecutors say Boyd killed 18-year-old Allyson Archibald on a Springfield street early Sunday morning. A passerby called police after seeing a man and woman fighting in the 400-block of Fairview Drive. When officers arrived, Archibald was unconscious. She died at the scene. Police arrested Boyd a short time later.

At 18, Ally Archibald was a young single mother. Her 6-month-old baby boy had already lost his father who was killed in a train accident in June. Now, his mother has been murdered.

Relatives describe Ally as fun, happy and strong; she loved to dance. And they say Allyson was so proud of her baby, whom she named ElyJah.

This is a tough time for the family, Allyson’s sister Sierra says the family is grateful to the witness who reported the crime, and then stayed with Ally until paramedics arrived.

“I just want to say thank you that she wasn't by herself, that she didn’t have to die alone, that she had someone there,” said Sierra Archibald. “And thank you for being such a Good Samaritan … they still exist, and people don’t think that they do, but they do. And thanks.”

Before her death, Ally had re-enrolled in high school and was trying to get her diploma.

The family is now reaching out to the community for help. A memorial fund has been set up at Umpqua Bank. Donations will help the family care for baby ElyJah and pay for Ally Archibald's funeral expenses.

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