Sunday, November 7, 2010

Las Vegas, NV: Pregnant woman is stabbed to death, family suspects boyfriend

Las Vegas, NV (KTNV)- A family is trying to cope with the loss of their pregnant daughter.They were left devastated by the news of her stabbing Saturday.

Metro got the call around 12:20 Saturday afternoon. Officers arriving on scene found a woman dead in her apartment. She lay in her living room with multiple stab wounds.

The coroner has not released the name of the victim, but family members say the woman was Sagitarius Gomez. She was seven months pregnant and expecting a boy. The baby was also killed during the attack.

Police are looking for Gomez's boyfriend as a suspect. The family confirms the couple had a history of domestic violence. They suspect the boyfriend and father of the unborn child is also responsible.

For now, the family chooses to focus their thoughts on Gomez's other 2 children; little girls ages 3 and 5.

"What are we going to tell them? How are we going to tell them they're never going to see their mom again? And her three-year-old daughter asks me every night to call her mom. Every time she's with us," laments Saquarius Gomez, Sagitarius' sister.

The family wants the person who did this to face justice. They say this crime affects so many people. Police are still looking to question the boyfriend of Gomez.

1 comment:

  1. This death and so many others like it was ENTIRELY PREVENTABLE!

    We need to get the word out about GPS with Victim Notification which puts teeth into restraining orders so that they are no longer just a piece of paper - but a lifesaver.

    The very same technology this generation is using to tell the world where they are can be used via an ankle bracelet on the offender and an alert to the victim's cell phone when the other person is within 300 feet. Enough time and space to get behind 2 locked doors and call the cops!

    Murders are expensive - the investigation, the trial, housing the inmate, and the costs to raise the children who have lost their parents.

    Prevention needs to be the word - and the tool is GPS with Victim Notification.

    I literally screamed when on the news last night it was said she had a restraining order!
