Friday, November 19, 2010

Lafayette, CO: Man Gets Life For Brutal Murder Of Ex-Girlfriend

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Abigail Robertson, family photo

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A man was sentenced to life in prison Wednesday for killing his ex-girlfriend inside a Glendale apartment in 2007. The grieving family says there were two lives cut short.

Marcus Hightower was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Abigail Robertson. The 21-year-old's mother said Hightower had no right to take her daughter from her. Robertson's family is urging parents to pay attention to signs of abuse.

Robertson was killed as a restraining order was in place. Her parents say the abuse escalated very quickly, but they now want to share their story so people can learn from it.

Police said Hightower broke into Robertson's apartment, stabbed her 60 times and shot her four times. He then drove himself to the Aurora Police Department where he turned himself into police. At the time a restraining order was already in place because Hightower refused to leave Robertson's apartment, punched her in the chest, keyed her car and slashed her tires.

On Wednesday morning Robertson's parents spoke openly about what the past three years have been like for their family. They say Hightower continued to contact their daughter even after the restraining order. But now wish they would have done more to enforce it.

"We did not take it as seriously, his actions, as seriously as we should have. That's the message that we have. If you feel like your son or daughter is in a relationship that is volatile, or if this relationship doesn't feel right to you, it probably isn't and you need to take steps," Abigail's mother Kathy Robertson said.

Throughout the trial defense counsel maintained that Hightower was not guilty by reason of insanity; however the jury was not persuaded.

The judge sentenced Hightower to life without parole.

Additional Resources

The Robertsons have established a foundation in Abigail's name to help stop domestic violence.

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