Saturday, November 6, 2010

Colorado Springs, CO: 3 Years Later: Tragic Shooting Has Moral

It's been three years since the tragic day when violence broke out in a Colorado Springs street.

Michael Fisher was shot to death by Andrew Brown, who was allegedly upset about a relationship that had gone bad with his ex-girlfriend, Tiffany Howard. She was beaten by Brown, and another friend was also shot, Jeremy Vasquez, before Brown turned the gun on himself.

Jeremy made a miraculous recovery, and on Friday, he and his family along with friends of Michael's, came back to the scene to remember, like they have ever year since the shooting.

They released balloons to remember Michael, and the day that changed all their lives forever, and in the evening headed out to Gossage Park to Michael's dedicated bench to light candles.

Ever since the shooting, Jeremy and his friends have been trying to raise awareness about teen violence, with hopes that no one will ever forget or repeat what happened to them.

Jeremy's mother Lorrie says teens should not hesitate to reach out if they know of a dangerous situation, "tell somebody, do something, don't just say nothing, and keep your mouth shut...there's so many resources aside from the school that's out there".

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