Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Willowick, OH: Willowick police suspect murder-suicide in deaths of elderly couple

The adult daughter of Robert and Dorothy Rickel went to check on her parents about noon Monday. They lived on Ronald Drive in Willowick.

She found a note from her father, apologizing, and called police instead of going further into the house.

Police found the Rickels, both 79, deceased from gunshot wounds, Willowick Police Lt. Paul Pallante said. Police believe that Robert shot Dorothy and then himself.

Both of the Rickels had medical difficulties. Dorothy Rickel had suffered a stroke two years earlier and Robert Rickel had been diagnosed with cancer about the same time, Pallante said.

However, the Rickels had not given their children any indication that their health had deteriorated recently, Pallante said.

“It’s just a tragedy for the family,” he said.

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