Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tucumcari, NM: Tucumcari man killed after standoff with authorities

A six hour standoff with authorities in Tucumcari ended with the death of a local man. The Quay County Sun Times reported the standoff started Monday in the 700 block of E. Laughlin Avenue

Officers responded to a domestic violence call around 4:30, six hours later the paper reports shots were fired and a flash bang grenade was set off as officers entered the home. The incident turned deadly after Daniel Gonzales, 56, of Tucumcari, prompted the use of deadly force.

According to the paper, officers set up a perimeter and within hours tactical resources were on scene, including a state police crisis negotiator who spoke on the phone with Gonzales for over an hour and a half.

Around 10:30 that night, Gonzales appeared at the front door bearing shotguns in both hands, threatening officers. According to New Mexico State Police Lt. Eric Garcia, shots were fired by Albuquerque SWAT officers, killing Gonzales.

The ongoing investigation will be conducted by the State Police Investigations Bureau. Once completed, their findings will be submitted to the district attorney's office in Quay County for review.

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