Sunday, September 19, 2010

Montgomery, AL: Suspect in wife's death leads authorities to wooded site

By Scott Johnson

Authorities on Friday searched a wood ed area in Macon County for the body of a Montgomery woman who disappeared in April 2000.

The attorney general's office charged Judie Wilding's husband, Albert Wilding, with capital murder in 2008, although her body had not been found. He has since pleaded not guilty, according to court re­cords.

Albert Wilding, 81, in handcuffs and an orange jumpsuit, led authorities Friday af ternoon through a wooded area in Short er. It was not clear whether any remains were found. Authorities stayed on the scene after Wilding was taken back to Montgomery County Detention Facility.

Don Valeska, chief prosecutor for the attorney general's office, said he could not comment on the search or any other devel opments because a gag order has been is sued in the case. The gag order was issued Aug. 20, after Albert Wilding's not guilty plea was entered, court records show.

Valeska did confirm, however, that the trial against Albert Wilding will go for ward as scheduled Monday in Circuit Judge Charles Price's courtroom.

Valeska said he could not say whether Wilding agreed to lead authorities to the remains as part of a plea deal.

Law enforcement authorities escorted Wilding from a black SUV into the woods next to a road leading to Halla Climate Systems in Shorter. The road is off Macon County 138, near the Shorter exit on Inter­state 85.

Wilding led authorities at least a cou ple of hundred feet into the woods before then accompanying them to a clearing, where they loaded him back into the SUV.

Officials with the Montgomery Police Department, the attorney general's office, the state Department of Forensic Sciences and the state Department of Public Safety assisted with the search.

Judie Wilding was the owner of Ani Mall, a pet store on Vaughn Road. Albert Wilding reported her missing April 2, 2000, and law enforcement officials initially named no suspects.

The attorney general's office an nounced the charge against Wilding in Au gust 2008. The indictment against him al leged that he killed his wife for financial gain, including life insurance and possibly other assets.

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