Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Miami, FL: Fla. Man, 87, Charged With Killing 84-Year-Old Ex-Girlfriend for Suspected Infidelity

An 87-year-old Florida man allegedly shot and killed his 84-year-old former girlfriend because he claims the woman had been unfaithful, the Miami Herald reports.

Juan Adolfo Gonzalez is being charged with first degree murder in the shooting death of Celida Hernandez, who police say was gunned down in the hallway of her apartment after returning from a senior's dining hall.

Authorities allege that Gonzalez planned the murder for several months, the newspaper reports, and took a taxi to the woman's apartment on Friday armed with a gun. He is accused of then shooting her twice before shooting himself.

Police officers told the Herald that Gonzalez admitted to the crime when they arrived on scene, saying "She is dead, I shot her."

Gonzalez was then taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, the newspaper reported.

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