Friday, September 10, 2010

Lake Crystal, MN: Wife charged for husband's murder in southern MN

Updated: 9/10/2010 6:30:02 PM
Blue Earth County, Minn. -- A woman from Lake Crystal, Minnesota is accused of murdering her husband and trying to cover it up.

Jennifer Lee Nibbe, 33, has been charged with second-degree murder in the death of 26-year-old James Mervin Nibbe.
Police responded to a burglary call on the morning of August 31st and found James Nibbe dead inside the home. The couple's 16-year-old son was also home at the time of the shooting.
Jennifer Nibbe told police that a man had broken into their home and shot her husband with a shotgun they left by the door.
Jennifer Nibbe described the suspect as wearing a nylon over his head and a hooded sweatshirt.
According to the criminal complaint, the police said it had just stopped raining when they searched for the suspect. They said they couldn't find any fresh tires tracks or footprints on the Nibbe property.
During an interview with investigators the cousin of Jennifer Nibbe said she was unhappy with her marriage.
The investigation also discovered that Jennifer Nibbe had been 'sexting' with another man. When interviewed by police, the man said Nibbe sent him several nude and semi-nude photos of her via text message.
A search of the home turned up a journal written by Jennifer Nibbe including several entries detailing her contact with the other man.
Entry dated Aug. 21, 2010:
"I just sent ... a naughty picture of me, and he wants to .... me tomorrow. Can I control myself and say no? I don't think I can. I want him. I've always had feelings for him. I can't stop thinking about him and I together. I am very sad today. I do love my husband, but you can only give for so long before it wears on a person. I give and give and he takes and takes and takes. He can be very selfish..."
Another entry reads:
"I know I still love him. He tells me he still loves me. How can that be? It's not supposed to work this way, this is not how I wanted my life to turn out. I'm married to one man that I care about but in love with another man who has a girlfriend, a baby on the way but still tells me he loves me. I could scream. Sometimes I wish I could go back to just (my son) and I plugging along."
Entry dated Aug. 1, 2010:
----- and I had a conversation the other day. He made me cry. He flirts with me so bad when we talk or text and it makes me wonder why we never really dated. Why didn't he try harder. So I told him what I thought about us being together. His response was he couldn't hurt her like that, so I told him how I wanted to be a couple back when we used to fool around and he proceeded to tell me that if he would have been older at the time, we would still be together today and he was young and dumb."

According to the complaint, the investigation also discovered Jennifer Nibbe was spending about $1,000 a month on prescription pain medication and using her status as a nurse to steal the drugs.

Investigators also learned Jennifer Nibbe is possibly thousands of dollars in debt and some bills have been turned over to collection agencies.
She also has a $250,000 life insurance policy for James Nibbe and she is the beneficiary.
Nibbe is being held at the Blue Earth County Jail.

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