Sunday, September 12, 2010

Jackson, KY: Stanley Neace, a Kentucky Man Shoots, Kills Five over Wife’s Botched Breakfast

By Shekhar Riat on September 11, 2010

A man who was fighting his landlord over an eviction order to oust him from his home because of his explosive temper apparently went too far on Saturday.

Stanley Neace became upset over the way his wife had prepared his breakfast eggs so he shot her to death, together with his stepdaughter and three of his neighbors.

Trooper Jody Sims of the Kentucky State Police told the press that the 47 year old Neace murdered the five in Eastern Kentucky at about 11.30am on Saturday. He then went home and turned the gun on himself. Police found his body on the porch of his Jackson, KY trailer.

According to Sherri Ann Robinson, who is related to one of the shooting victims, the assailant was distressed over the way his breakfast was prepared and had scared his wife Sandra so much that she ran to a neighbor’s home for help.

Neace pursued his wife and in the end five people lay dead –his wife Sandra, her daughter also called Sandra, and neighbors Dennis Turner, Teresa Fugate and Tammy Kilborn.

Sherri Ann told the press that she had watched the horror unfold and that Teresa Fugate, her sister, had been killed in front of her 7 year old daughter, whom the shooter chose to spare.

“Her daughter said, ‘Please, please don’t shoot me,’ and he said, ‘All right, you can leave,’ and she ran out,” she told the Associated Press.

When the police arrived on the scene about an hour after the shootings they say that the heard one more, single gunshot. That they believe was Stanley Neace taking his own life.

The Neace’s landlord, Ray Rastegar, told the AP that he had indeed begun eviction proceedings against Neace because of his hostility towards his neighbors. “He was unpredictable” Rastegar said “Little things would set him off.”

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