Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Omaha, NE: Omaha Couple Found Dead in Their Home

Posted: Aug 23, 2010 10:22 PM EDT
Updated: Aug 23, 2010 11:06 PM EDT

Omaha Couple Found Dead in Their Home

Jenny Nowatzke

OMAHA (KPTM)- An Omaha couple is found dead inside their home, both suffering from gunshot wounds, after dating for more than nine years.

The bodies of 35–year–old Carlos Johnson and 29–year–old Corina Barry were found Monday afternoon when co–workers called police after not hearing from either one.

Douglas County Sheriff deputies aren't confirming if they are investigating their deaths as a murder–suicide.

Among the cookie cutter houses and manicured lawns sits a crime scene.

"It's a very quiet neighborhood. Don't have a lot of action going on here. This is one for the books I guess," said neighbor Sarah Burns.

Around 2:00 p.m., neighbors learned something was wrong when sheriff's deputies swarmed a house off North 78th Circle Avenue.

"One of the deceased co–workers saw she didn't show up for work today, and called us. That's when we discovered the bodies inside the residence," said Lt. Mark Gentile.

Deputies believe Johnson and Barry may have been shot around ten o'clock Sunday night.

Which was shocking news for parents to hear as they picked their kids up from the bus stop just feet away from the crime scene.

"Came and got [my daughter] and she was freaking out. Walked to the bus stop for the first time today, and she's like – I don't want to walk no more," said Johnetta Florez.

For the most part, neighbors didn't know the couple that well. But never noticed any problems.

"There were no commotions, wasn't like there were cop cars here every weekend," said Burns.

"Very quiet. He'd play basketball out in the driveway," said neighbor Michelle Burianek.

Mark Sandquist was friends with the couple, and just recently started hearing about problems in the relationship.

"From what he told us, there was an altercation 4–5 weeks ago at home. She told him they were going to part ways," said Sandquist.

Sandquist says the boyfriend tried to patch things up, but the girlfriend just wouldn't hear it.

"My thought was, she wasn't on the same side, and he didn't like it."

Friends say, the couple did own a registered gun. Their bodies were found in the master bedroom. Right now deputies are not looking for any suspects.

Back in 2003 Johnson was found guilty of a domestic violence charge. Barry did take out a restraining order against him.

Barry would have celebrated her 30th birthday Saturday.

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