Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Indianapolis, IN: Father freed in 'vendetta' killing

Updated: Tuesday, 03 Aug 2010, 10:57 PM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 03 Aug 2010, 10:57 PM EDT

Karen Hensel
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) - No charges against a father and son in what has been called by police a murder over an 18 year vendetta.

The Marion County Prosecutor never filed charges, so when Johnnie Thompson Jr. and Johnnie Thompson Sr. went to court Tuesday, they found they were free. Junior is held on a probation violation. Johnnie Sr. is free.

In an I-Team 8 exclusive, a new motive from a family living in fear.

Toni Maynard, the victim's niece says, “Here he is walking the streets when he took my uncle’s life.” Maynard is the niece of the man stabbed, killed and dumped behind IPS School 21.

She is angry there are no charges saying “just because the prosecutor wants a conviction and she wants to move up in her world she takes his plea bargain and he is out on the streets today.”

IMPD has said Anthony Daly was killed over revenge for the death of David Bishop in a drug overdose years ago. Maynard says, “I do not believe what happened to my Uncle Anthony was over a 17 year old vendetta. David Bishop who has been dead 17 years.”

She says her uncle had not seen the Thompsons in years and then for the first time said “I believe this has something to do with what he knew about my mother.” She says her mother, the sister to murder victim Anthony Daly, was killed by a hot shot - which is a drug laced with poison. She explains, “Sr. was one of the people named in killing my mother 28 years ago. He was one of the five named.”

However, he was never charged. She lives in fear now that Sr. has been released from jail. She says, “I am concerned with my own safety and that of my children. There has been a relative that has had several phone calls about me saying they don’t know why I am defending my uncle or my family and that I am digging up old bones. Also, that there is something that could happen to me or my family.” She says the phone calls are threatening.

She has a message to the man she believes had a hand in killing a brother and sister, also her uncle and mother. Maynard says, Johnnie Sr. is on the streets as we speak. You could have called the police, you could have kept them from stabbing, you could turned yourself in, you could have kept my uncle from dying and you did nothing. You are on the streets today and he is dead and we have to live with that.”

She is requesting a protective order against Johnnie Sr. and just moved out of the home she has lived in for years. In an exclusive jailhouse interview last week Johnnie sr. denied to I-Team 8 he killed Anthony Daly. We've also requested to speak to Johnnie Jr. and have been in contact with the third party, another man not charged but there that night. He also denies killing Daly.

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