Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ebey Island, WA: Gary Sturdevant Admits to Killing Wife's New Boyfriend, Says "It Felt Fucking Awesome"

By Caleb Hannan, Wed., Aug. 4 2010 @ 9:01AM

​If you like your murder suspects with a side of remorse, you're not going to like Gary Sturdevant. The 42-year-old Everett man suspected of stabbing his wife's new boyfriend to death allegedly told police of the crime, "It felt fucking awesome."

Sturdevant's story begins shortly after he ended his most recent jail sentence. A criminal with a lengthy rap sheet including charges for DUI and domestic violence, he'd just served six months for theft when he arrived home to find another man living with his wife.

Sturdevant and his wife had reportedly been married for 25 years. And he wasn't thrilled that she'd made a unilateral decision to move on.

He told police that he was enraged that another man's stuff was in his house. He also said he'd heard rumors that the new boyfriend had molested his 4-year-old daughter.

The Ebey Island home where Sturdevant allegedly killed his wife's boyfriend.
​Late Sunday night, Sturdevant says he got someone to drive him to the couple's Ebey Island home. He told police he was sharpening a knife during the trip, giving extra ammo to any future prosecutor who might want to claim the crime was pre-meditated.

Once at the house, Sturdevant says he found his wife's new boyfriend in the backyard, burning copper wire. According to Sturdevant, the two men fought. Then he fatally stabbed the boyfriend in the neck and dragged his lifeless body behind some nearby bushes.

After the murder, court documents say that Sturdevant returned to his mother's house, where he'd been staying since leaving jail, in tears, reportedly telling her that no one should hurt his kids. When officers arrived later to arrest him he answered the door and allegedly said, "I did it. I killed him."

As if a confession weren't enough, court documents indicate that Sturdevant wasn't done talking. While in the back of a squad car, he reportedly said, "I'm gonna plead guilty to this shit." And, "It felt awesome to have him gurgling in his own blood." He also allegedly expressed regret for not spending more time torturing his victim.

Sturdevant is now in a Snohomish County jail, held for investigation of first-degree murder.


  1. I have known the Sturdevant family for 50 years and their Daughters and almost married one as for Gary who is the only boy after his brother had died from drowning he was raised mostly by 6 sisters as well as his mother I have watch Gary grow up a violent man with lot's of drug problems and many people as well as his sisters fear him as well as myself I have had encounters with him as well its always his way or no way, he needs more then 20 years behind bars his sisters already feel a lot safer with him behind bars then out and I won't be surprised if he killed this man with the set of knives I gave his mother as a gift a couple of years ago he always begged me to get him a set which I knew something bad would happen like this, and as i know his wife as well she's one hell of a game player and believe me she can play games for people to get hurt she;s part to blame too

  2. Knowing the Sturdevant Family for 50 years and as for Gary the only son out of 6 girls Believe me this man is very violent, his way or no way is on his terms I know this man well and Almost married one of his sisters in fact 2 of them, he needs more then 20 years behind bars his sisters tell me they feel a lot safer with him behind bars then out I feel the same no more threats from him or looking over your shoulders worrying about when he going to pop up and pop you one. This man has a lot of drug problems and maybe this is his calling card and his wife needs to sit with him also, this woman is a real big time game player and puts herself in spots for others to get hurt by Gary because she can't get her way either. I wouldn't be surprised if he killed this man with the knife set I gave his mother a couple of years ago as a gift he had begged me to get him a set also, which I'm deeply glad I didn't I would still like to know what knife he used it may make a differnt's in his sentencing for a longer time.
