Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Toledo, OH: Caged dog survives being shot six times by heartless owner

July 14, 4:20 PM · Penny Eims - Dog News Examiner
Toledo, OH - Lawrence Mick, a 57 yr-old convicted felon, decided to shoot his caged dog in the head, neck and chest for "not settling down" according to his girlfriend, Melinda Perry. Despite repeatedly shooting his own dog multiple times, his girlfriend defends Mick stating he is "not an animal abuser - he loves animals". Clearly.

According to witness and neighbor, Melissa Compau, the dog, a German shepherd named Sarge, was quietly lying in his locked cage, when Lawrence Mick and another man, Adam Collins, came out and took turns shooting the dog. Sarge lay in the locked cage, howling as the men continued their brutal attack - shooting the confined dog six times.

The distraught neighbor phoned 911. Miraculously, Sarge survived the six-time shooting, and he is now being cared for by the city animal shelter.

Lawrence Mick, a convicted drug felon, is currently in the Lucas County Jail and he could receive 1-5 years in prison for discharging the 25 caliber pistol while possessing a felony conviction. The other man, Adam Collins, 35, pleaded no contest to the animal cruelty charges and was released on his on his own recognizance. He will stand trial on July 21.

Kudos to the neighbor for calling 911 and getting these 2 dangerous animal abusers arrested. She could have turned a blind eye to the situation, leaving Sarge to die in his cage. As for Lawrence Mick and Adam Collins, the courts will have their day and those believing in karma know that they will get what is coming to them for their despicable actions.

As for the Mick's girlfriend's claims that the dog was often-times "aggressive", perhaps that has something to do with the caliber of his owners. Ownership has an obvious (and huge) impact on the demeanor of a dog.

Interested in voicing your opinion with regards to these men? Please call the Lucas County Prosecutor's Office, at 419-213-4700. Or, click here to fill out a contact form.

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