Friday, July 16, 2010

San Bernardino, CA: Boyfriend will stand trial in stabbing death of pregnant girlfriend

Mike Cruz, Staff Writer
Posted: 07/15/2010 05:12:50 PM PDT

SAN BERNARDINO - Allegedly high on methamphetamine, Kim Richard Davis reportedly stabbed his pregnant girlfriend 60 times during a fight that erupted in February when he suspected of her of having sex with another man, say sheriff's detectives.
Details of the fatal fight between Davis, 23, and his girlfriend, 20-year-old Angela Lynn Orozco, were revealed in testimony at a hearing Thursday for Davis in San Bernardino Superior Court.

At the end of the hearing, Judge Kyle Brodie ruled that sufficient evidence existed to hold Davis for trial on two counts of murder, one each for Orozco and her 6-7 month old unborn child, and special allegations on each count that he used a knife.

Davis returns to court July 22 to enter a plea on the charges.

The fight between Davis and Orozco erupted Feb. 2 after he had left his girlfriend and a male friend - one whom Davis did meth with and went skateboarding with earlier that day - alone at the couple's home in unincorporated San Bernardino.

The defendant reportedly had found pornography in the VCR upon his return, detectives testified. Davis asked the friend to leave and accused Orozco of having sex with him, even inspecting her panties.

"This made her angry," Detective Robert Warrick testified under examination from Deputy District Attorney Melissa Rodriguez. "The two started throwing books and possibly VHS tapes at each other."

Davis was getting more aggressive during the fight


"because she knew how to push his buttons," he said in an interview with detectives.
Authorities later found Orozco's body, nude and face down, with numerous stab wounds on the kitchen floor of the couple's home, a converted garage in the 24000 block of Monterrey Avenue.

Blood was found on the walls and kitchen floor, and a large bloody steak knife was nearby, according to court testimony.

The next morning, Davis picked up his son from a babysitter, went back to his house for his son's clothes and caught a bus at Fourth Street and Palm Lane.

The plan, Davis later confessed, was to drop off his son with his girlfriend's mother and find a bridge to jump from. Orozco was dead and didn't deserve it, he told detectives.

Davis had injected 30 to 40 CCs of meth with his friend prior to the confrontation with Orozco, and detectives say he appeared to still be under its influence he talked with them at sheriff's headquarters.

Under questioning from Davis' lawyer, Deputy Public Defender Erin Alexander, Warrick said the defendant talked about his drug use and that he suffered from extreme manic depression.

Davis was extremely emotional, distraught and crying, and he said 10 times during his interview with detectives that he wanted the death penalty.

Orozco and Davis had a son together, and he had known for a few months that his girlfriend was pregnant again.

During an autopsy of Orozco, a forensic pathologist found the victim suffered 60 stab wounds - none of which affected the baby in any way, said Detective Michael Smith. The fetus died when the mother died and was determined to be 6-7 months old, he said.

In June 2009, Orozco had filed a restraining order against Davis, according to court records. But the case was dropped when she failed to appear in court.

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