Sunday, July 25, 2010

Montrose, CO: Investigation continues into Montrose murder-suicide

A frantic phone call from a family member led Montrose Sheriff deputies to a crime scene on Friday at Pahgre Ranch. And a day later, details about how a mother and her son–in–law ended up dead are still vague.
Posted: 5:43 PM Jul 24, 2010
Reporter: Ashley Prchal
Email Address:
Investigation continues into Montrose murder-suicide

MONTROSE, Colo. (KKCO) – A frantic phone call from a family member led Montrose Sheriff deputies to a crime scene on Friday at Pahgre Ranch. And a day later, details about how a mother and her son–in–law ended up dead are still vague.

The Montrose County Coroner spent Saturday performing autopsy's on 84–year–old Jeanne Mennell and 61–year–old Mark Koeman. Sheriff Rick Dunlap says they will know more about the manner of death on Monday, after the coroner releases his report.

For right now, Sheriff Dunlap is keeping the details of this murder-suicide under wraps. A question many are asking is why did this happen? Sheriff Dunlap says at this point no one knows exactly why, but the filing for divorce papers by Koeman’s wife and Mennel’s daughter, Barbara Koeman may have had something to do with it.

“That could have escalated it. But at this point we're still putting on the pieces together and conducting our investigation. And I'm sure all those details will come out,” says Sheriff Dunlap.

Sheriff Dunlap says from what he has learned from Barbara Koeman, there may have been some animosity between her husband and her mother. But he says from what he can tell, that animosity wasn’t strong enough to kill.

At this time, he wouldn’t release any information about the type of gun used, who the gun was registered to or how many shots were fired.

Sheriff Dunlap says this isn’t the first murder-suicide to hit Montrose. He recalls a similar incident back in the 1990’s when a domestic dispute got out of control.

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