Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Binghampton, NY: Evidence on Display in the Kenyon Murder Trial

Binghamton, NY (WBNG Binghamton) - Prosecutors in the trial of William Kenyon show items that may prove the cause of his girlfriend's death.

The Johnson City man is on trial for murder in Broome County Court.

Action News Reporter Brennan Smith was there and has an update on the testimony.

49 year old William Kenyon is accused of killing his girlfriend Kelly Westcott.

Prosecutors shared two collections of evidence with the jury.

First, the testimony of Doctor Terzian who performed the autopsy on Wescott, and second, photographs and samples of evidence.

Westcott died in June of last year.

Doctor Terzian says that Wescott was killed by asphyxiation, most likely while lying on her back.

She was wearing a necklace at the time of her death.

When asked if she was choked with the necklace, Terzian only said there was a sign of a struggle.

He did not rule the cause as asphyxiation by strangulation though.
Aside from marks on her neck, there were no other signs of trauma.

Terzian did find traces of alcohol, cocaine, and other drugs in Wescott's blood.

During the rest of the day, jurors saw pictures of evidence taken from the crime scene at Wescott's apartment, including pictures of cuts on Kenyon's arms, articles of clothing, a chair leg which was found on the bed, and even a steak knife that was left on the floor.

Experts confirmed that traces of blood were found on some of the clothes, the knife, and other areas of the house.

At the live desk, Brennan Smith, Action News.

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