Friday, July 23, 2010

Article: Noted Reality Show Couple Joins Creative Team of New Anti-Violence Reality TV Show

Show Creator Hopes “ABUSERS” Will Increase Awareness of Violence Against Women, Men and Children


PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 18, 2010 – (New Jersey; Los Angeles) – MTV’s “Real World DC” reality show couple Joshuah Colon and Ashley Marconi are taking a stand against violence. The pair has just joined the creative team of “ABUSERS,” a one-hour intervention show designed to arrest the cycle of violence in the lives of women, children and families. “ABUSERS” showcases real-life cases of domestic violence and – in a unique twist – offers counseling, therapy and support to both the abused and the abuser.

Expected to be one of the most emotionally-rewarding, challenging and yet, sometimes shocking shows on television, “ABUSERS” is a first-of-its-kind reality television show that celebrity, political and community advocates are pegging to be an instant hit. Despite its attention-grabbing name, “ABUSERS” seeks not to promote or exploit the topic of abuse, but rather, to curb the prevalence of violence in America’s homes. The show will tackle the difficult and often taboo topic head on, featuring real-life cases of victims of all ages and backgrounds who have either experienced abuse, or are in relationships teetering on the brink of danger.

“ABUSERS” was created by Albert Harris Jr., a New Jersey area political strategist, writer/producer and Former Aide to Governor McGreevey and Governor Codey. Harris began to develop the show concept after hearing of his girlfriend Adrienne Mari’s experiences in a previous abusive relationship. Harris states that his simplest goal was to develop an awareness show “so that others would not have to experience the devastation of personal violence.”

The show’s team also includes Tami Outterbridge, a longtime Los Angeles area writer, producer and publicist, as Co-Creator; and New York Times best-selling author and publisher Zane as the show’s Executive Producer. Colon and Marconi – known for their on-camera romance and playful skirmishes – joined with Harris’ team after discovering that they shared similar ideas regarding the issue of domestic violence. “Albert and Josh instantly clicked,” says Marconi, who introduced the two.

Being from South Philadelphia, Colon and Marconi witnessed domestic violence in both of their families. For this reason, the pair feels connected to the issue, realizing that domestic violence affects not just those who are abused, but also their friends, family and loved ones, as well.

Says Colon: "Growing up in an urban melting pot, we see this every day. We see this on the street, in the super-market and sometimes even in our own homes. If you stay up late enough sometimes you can hear these women crying. I wonder, are their children watching? Do these children hear their mothers crying as I do? Will these boys grow into abusive men like their fathers? This is all they see and all they know."

Says Marconi: "It's time to show America and the people who stay 'inside the box' what REALLY goes on in an abusive relationship. Everyone needs to open their eyes! It could be happening to your own sister, or mother and you would have no idea."

Co-Creator Tami Outterbridge, herself a domestic abuse survivor, says that each episode will encourage viewers who may be experiencing violence to pick up the phone, or reach out to someone that they trust, and finally ask for help.

“I found my way out of a very destructive relationship,” says Outterbridge. “But, many others haven’t and don’t. We want to help put an end to that by shining a focused light on this issue,” she says.

Outterbridge joined together with Harris after the two discovered that they shared a common passion to increase awareness regarding the problem of domestic abuse. Harris and Outterbridge also share a stubborn belief that this project will go far beyond just being television’s first anti-violence intervention show.

“Our goal is that ABUSERS will kick-off a type of movement, drawing increased awareness and stemming the flow of an issue that has infected our nation’s households like a plague,” says Harris.

The show’s team and Celebrity Supporters also includes former NFL Player Ray Ellis; Former NFL Player Greg Brown; Former Professional Basketball Player and Founder/Host of the Gym Rats Midnite Madness camps for youth, Rick Barrett; motorsports professional Bob Zinzell; “Scrubbs” and “Passions” actor Chrystee Pharris, also the Founder of the Truth Is Not Betrayal Foundation; and model Traci Moslenko.

In an effort to further improve the lives of those who have been affected by domestic and other forms of violence, “ABUSERS” will also offer free online degree programs to participants through the University of Phoenix.

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ABUSERS is a groundbreaking new reality TV intervention show dedicated to the eradication of abuse against men, women & children. New Jersey Political strategist Albert Harris Jr. is the Creator; with Los Angeles writer Tami Outterbridge as Co-Creator.

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