Sunday, December 20, 2009

Idaho Falls, ID: Police Call Shooting Murder/Suicide

Posted: Dec 20, 2009 01:00 AM

Reporter: Aaron Kunz

The Idaho Falls Police Saturday released more information - giving us an idea of what may have caused one man to shoot another then turn the gun on himself.

Police say the incident began with a dinner between the shooter and his wife - where the wife told him she was seeing someone else.

The shooting began here, at the Wal-Mart on Utah Avenue in Idaho Falls...the shooter then led police on a slow speed pursuit that ended here on the corner of south Boulevard and 16th.

But it really began earlier Friday evening at dinner between 49-year-old Keith Matthias and his wife Jennifer.

Sgt. Phil Grimes/Idaho Falls Police Dept.: "Her and her husband had been having marital problems and had talked about splitting up because her husband Keith Matthias had found out Jennifer Matthias and Jack Purcell had been involved in some sort of relationship."

Jennifer told police - her husband seemed to accept the revelation of his wife extramarital affair...but that soon changed when Jennifer who left the dinner alone noticed her husband following her in a white 93 mazda 6-2-6.

Sgt. Phil Grimes/Idaho Falls Police Dept.: "Jennifer went to the Wal-Mart parking lot on Utah because she felt it would be a safe place - at that time she saw Keith arrive and park in the Wal-Mart parking lot a short distance away."

Jack Purcell arrived at the Wal-Mart parking lot in this blue Ford F-150 pickup - within two minutes of a confrontation - witnesses and the store security camera's recorded multiple shots fired by Keith Matthias.

Sgt. Phil Grimes/Idaho Falls Police Dept.: "There's a point just after - where Jennifer runs over and has a short conversation of some sort with Keith. He drives in a circle, it appears he's going to leave the scene - drives in a circle, parks next to Jacks vehicle again, gets out and fire another shot at Jack. Keith then leaves the area."

Matthias then left the parking lot - traveling left on Utah - then right on Broadway. Police caught up to him on the corner of Broadway and Yellowstone.

Sgt. Phil Grimes/Idaho Falls Police Dept.: "Officers attempted to stop the vehicle as it continued east on elm, the driver of the vehicle didn't stop."

After a short slow speed pursuit - police decided to end the chase by pushing his car into a spin that ended on the front lawn of Hawthorne Elementary.

Sgt. Phil Grimes/Idaho Falls Police Dept.: "The suspect got out of the vehicle at that point, had a handgun down to his side. One officer attempted to tase him, the probes didn't appear to go into the suspect - had little to no affect. The suspect then put the gun to his head and fired."

Keith Purcell used a five shot revolver - police said Friday they believe he reloaded at least once but haven't released the total number of shots fired.

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